Galeria de Arte en 3D

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Algunos estan acostumbrados a los trabajos en SFM pero también hay otros programas de creación en 3D como esta primera imagen. aqui una galería de imágenes así lo pueden ver

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klobears and Nature [gift] by aydieme

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Derpy's Merry Christmas by Powdan

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Escaping from Fire Temple by Powdan

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Box of Pones by FlushTheBatSanta

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Clever Girl by FlushTheBatSanta

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Lonely Christmas by Scientsit

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A warm Christmas by StormyScratch

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Princess of Cider by Powdan

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Sunshine and Klobears [Gift] by aydieme

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Tranquillity by RedAceOfSpades

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Flutter Snow by Skrittzs

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Egghead Pie by SourceRabbit

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Final Battle by RedAceOfSpades

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Terminal by Wintergleam

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Holiday Cheers by yellencandy

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Unexpected Visitor by RedAceOfSpades

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Twilight With A Cup Coffee by MelodyCloud14

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{SFM} Dress Creation by krida2

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Octavia by vonklerks

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(SFM Ponies) Shy to Say by jamielim244

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Performance Night by RedAceOfSpades

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Party booster is coming by Optimus97

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In the new age! by SelestLight

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[SFM]Nurse RedHeat by InvisorFAA

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{SFM} MLP: New friend's by jaygaming1

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In The Hive Revamped by LeoMLP

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Chrysalis by StuckInACan

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(SFM) Happy New Year by thesokol

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[SFM Ponies] The Knight of Harmony by FD-Daylight

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Hiding place by RedAceOfSpades

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Trixie bag by etiennejaquier

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Lord Celestia by SelestLight

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[SFM]Luna as a Statue 4K by OC1024

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[SFM] Alien invasion by InvisorFAA

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A strange place by SerenitysArtwork

Luks y su Waifu de DJ by Wolyro

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