Aquí les dejamos una compilación de música brony de artistas que aveces no llegan a alcanzar el éxito de otros músicos bronis pero que también son muy buenos en lo que hacen, así que a apoyarlos chicos para que nos sigan trayendo sus buenos trabajos y su esfuerzo por hacerlo valga la pena.
The Mare At The Discotheque - Crusader! (Vinyl Scratch Fan Song) by Crusader!
Vocal - Electro Pop
[4] Source
Dark Moonlight VIP (Battle of the mind resurrected) (COMING SOON) by PreyMusic Official
Instrumental - Trap
Dark Moonlight VIP (Battle of the mind resurrected) (COMING SOON) by PreyMusic Official
Instrumental - Trap
[5] Source
Brohoof Studios | Happiness | Happy Hardcore by Brohoof Studios
Instrumental - Happy Hardcore
Brohoof Studios | Happiness | Happy Hardcore by Brohoof Studios
Instrumental - Happy Hardcore
[6] Source
MLP: Winter Wrap Up - on Dot Matrix Printer and Floppy drives by Hardware Music & Axe Show - Lionovsky
Instrumental - Hardware
MLP: Winter Wrap Up - on Dot Matrix Printer and Floppy drives by Hardware Music & Axe Show - Lionovsky
Instrumental - Hardware
[9] Source
The New Lunar Republic Still Remains (Song) [Orchestral+Soft Rock] by /Awakened\
Instrumental - Orchestral Rock
The New Lunar Republic Still Remains (Song) [Orchestral+Soft Rock] by /Awakened\
Instrumental - Orchestral Rock
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